Nominee for Board Member: Elisha Mueller

Current Position: Conservation Biologist, NDGFD

TWS Chapter Roles & Activities: Member since 2017, Secretary 2019-2022, member of the Conservation in Action workgroup

Statement to Membership: I am sure many of you remember me from my time as secretary on the Board, so I will keep this short and to the point! I think there is great value in the North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, but that value can only be realized when we all step up and volunteer our time to keep this machine running.  The Chapter serves an extremely important role in this state, it is a voice for wildlife and the wild places they depend on. In a state where the loudest voices don’t often align with our own, it is vital that our voice is not lost. So, though I feel as if I just stepped down from the board not long ago, I was happy to add my name into the running when asked. However, there are many wonderful members and volunteers in this Chapter, so I would be remiss if I did not encourage you to first consider other nominees over me. As a recent member of the board, I am happy to stand aside while others have a turn until I am needed again. I would not want to take the opportunity away from someone, as I was already given the opportunity to serve the board not long ago.


CMPS Summer Newsletter


Nominee for Board Member: Levi Jacobson