Fundraising & Raffle Tickets

Why Donate to NDCTWS?

The North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society (NDCTWS) supports a wide variety of activities to benefit wildlife including research, student and professional development, annual meeting costs, awards and scholarships, lobbying for wildlife issues, and providing information to industry and government about how to minimize impacts to wildlife. All of these activities are supported by hours of volunteer work, but it also takes funding to fulfill our mission effectively.

The Dakota Prairie Legacy (DPL) Endowment Program provides support for the Chapter to meet the many urgent challenges confronting wildlife and their habitats. The DPL endowment program accepts gifts of cash, property, and deferred (estate) gifts. To discuss non-cash donation options, contact Mike McEnroe (701/224-8335) or Mike Goos (701/315-0529).

The Bill Bicknell Memorial fund has been established to honor Bill's conservation ethic and his commitment to natural resource conservation. Bill served as the Chapter's secretary-treasurer, as an executive board member, as president, and past president. He was instrumental in fostering involvement and developmental activities for students in the conservation field, and the memorial fund will provide scholarship funds to students who are working toward obtaining their degree in the conservation field.

Click to Donate


The Fundraising Committee would like to thank all the members that have supported the annual auction in the past. It is not too early to start thinking about the upcoming annual auction and donation of auction items. The fundraiser provides the financial foundation for the activities of the Chapter for the coming year. So help support the Chapter by putting your craft skills to work, dust off those prints/books/antiques that are in your closet or under your bed and bring them to the annual meeting. Handmade items are always welcome! As always, the committee is interested in your ideas and suggestions on how to improve this event and keep it enjoyable and exciting for all. If you have items to donate you can fill in the form below which will be directly sent to NDCTWS.  Items can also be brought to the annual meeting the morning of February 5th. 


Fundraising & Raffle Tickets