Our Mission
To inspire, empower, and enable current and future wildlife professionals to sustain healthy wildlife populations and habitats in North Dakota through science-based management for the benefit of all.

Our Vision
The North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society strives to be a recognized source that provides knowledge, resources, and representation for the conservation and management of wildlife to ensure sustainable populations and healthy ecosystems.

Core Values
Providing a community for Wildlife Professionals
Striving for Integrity and Credible Science
Empowering Members
Advocating for Science-based Decision Making
Guiding Principles
Wildlife is a public resource, held in trust for the people, and managed by the various natural resource agencies given those responsibilities.
Managed wildlife populations are of benefit to all citizens of North Dakota, the Nation, and the world; providing enjoyment, recreation, food, and other necessary ecosystem services and functions.
Public lands, managed by a variety of county, local, state and federal agencies, belong to all people and must be managed and protected according to sound natural resource principles and the authorities by which they were created or established, for the benefit of all people.
The NDCTWS is an advocate for sound, science-based wildlife policy.
Private lands encompass the vast majority of North Dakota. The NDCTWS realizes and appreciates the wildlife and natural resource functions provide by private land owners and supports conservation efforts and programs designed to maximize conservation practices on private lands.
All stakeholders have a voice in the management of our wildlife, public lands and our natural resources.
Wildlife and natural resource management must be in accordance with sound management principles and science.
The NDCTWS is a professional organization whose members and supporters maintain credibility, integrity, and accountability based on science, education, and sound wildlife and natural resource management principles. Peer review of research is paramount.
The NDCTWS provides a forum for current and future wildlife and natural resource professionals to advance the science of wildlife management through communication, collaboration, and sharing of information, data, research results, and management strategies between universities, research institutions, non-government organizations, state and federal agencies, and stakeholders.
The NDCTWS speaks for the wildlife and natural resources that do not have a voice, for the stakeholders who use and enjoy those resources, and for those whose voices are not heard or are not allowed to speak.
The NDCTWS engages and supports students, recognizing them as our future wildlife managers, stakeholders, and advocates.