A Call to Action (RAWA)

 NDCTWS Members –

On Thursday, April 7th, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) will hold a markup for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (S. 2372). A successful vote during EPW markup would represent the final step in getting this legislation out of committee and to the floor of both the House and Senate for consideration. Senator Kevin Cramer serves on the EWP committee and has signed on to RAWA as a co-sponsor. That doesn’t mean that we should be idle in our efforts to voice continued support for RAWA.

National TWS has created an action center specifically targeting EPW committee Senators which can be accessed at this link. This action center allows TWS members to easily reach out to their Senators on the EPW committee to request support during markup. Please take a few moments and submit your support and thank Senator Cramer for his support before tomorrow.

For Conservation,

Rachel Bush, NDCTWS President


2022 Awards - Undergraduate Student Scholarship (Abby DeCoteau)


Awards: Charles V. Pulver Case of the Year (Kevin Downs)