Did you know that as a NDCTWS member, you are automatically a CMPS member?
The Central Mountains and Plains Section (CMPS) of The Wildlife Society comprises members and associated Chapters within the States of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.
The Mission of the CMPS is to:
1. Provide a forum for CMPS members to share regional science and policy issues.
2. Serve as a voice for science in regional policy.
3. Serve as a regional voice for science in national and international policy.
4. Serve as a liaison between TWS and CMPS State and Student Chapters.
5. Encourage wildlife professionals to become active members and leaders in TWS.
The CMPS objectives are:
A. To encourage proper management of all wildlife in the geographical area of the Central Mountains and Plains Section, the ecosystems in which they live, and the other natural resources of the region in a manner that reflects sound biological principles and benefits to wildlife and humans.
B. To create and maintain an organization that promotes professional association solidarity and exchange of ideas among persons interested in the general field of wildlife management.
C. To support the objectives of The Wildlife Society and its Code of Ethics.