NDCTWS President's Message

Hello Everyone:

Just a few things that I want to share with all of you:

  • save a few bucks by utilizing the early bird pre registration opportunity for the 2025 annual conference.  That offer expires after Jan. 24.

  • go to:   Information — North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society to view the meeting agenda and to register.

  • Last week, the ND Legislature convened and one bill the Chapter is tracking is SB 2137 that was introduced by Senators Boehm, Patten, & Thomas along with Representatives Koppelman, Novak, & Tveit.  SB 2137 reads as follows:

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 20.1-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the use of supplemental feed for hunting. 


SECTION 1. A new section to chapter 20.1-05 of the North Dakota Century Code is created and enacted as follows: 

Hunting big game animals using supplemental feed not prohibited or restricted. 

The department (ND Game and Fish Dept.) may not adopt a rule or implement a policy prohibiting or restricting the use of supplemental feed on private property for hunting a big game animal  

This proposed bill revisits the deer baiting issue that created a lot of controversy during the last legislative session. Two years ago the Chapter did not support legislation which would have restricted the NDGFD's ability to make science-based decisions on where to restrict baiting in those areas of the state where Chronic Wasting Disease posed a threat to the state's deer population.  The Chapter will take that same position on SB 2137.  

What can you do?  The first hearing for SB 2137 will be by the Senate Agriculture & Veterans Affairs Committee this Friday (Jan. 17) at 10:20 AM in the Fort Union room at the Capitol.  I would encourage all members who can attend the hearing to do so and to voice your opposition to SB 2137.  Or, contact the members of the Senate Agriculture & Veterans Affairs Committee: Senator Larry Luick (Chair); Sen. Janne Myrdal (Vice Chair); Sen. Randy Lemm; Sen. Richard Marcellais; Sen. Mark Weber; and Sen. Kent Weston at: Contact Legislators | North Dakota Legislative Branch to express your views in writing.  I would encourage you to also share your concerns with your local legislators.   

SB 3127 has a long journey through the legislative process, but slowing the momentum of the bill requires a lot of people to act now by voicing their concerns about how the bill can negatively impact the NDGFD's ability to effectively manage our big game populations. 

I'll testify on Friday in opposition to SB 2137, I hope to see many of you there also.

Thank you.

Phil Mastrangelo, President



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